Monday, April 29, 2024

Love and Butterfly Wall Art

 This is one of my largest wall art pieces.  I sold it in 2023 at an Expo I was a part of.

I am in the process of making more wall art, so more will be coming soon.

Medium:  Wood Heart, Wood Love, Wire, Paper Shapes cut with Metal Dies, Hold Glue Molded butterfly - cog wheels - flowers, Buttons, String, Gems, Cheesecloth, Acrylic Paint, and more.

Monday, April 22, 2024

Weird Skull Journal

Lots and Lots of mediums.
Buttons, Fun Foam Shapes, Hot Glue Shapes, Buttons, Gems, Cardboard, Paper Clip, Beads, and more...


Monday, April 15, 2024

Bee Kind Journal

I love bees and flowers.
Medium:  Large and small fun foam flowers.
Medium - Hot Glue Molds:  Kind, bee, spiral flower center, small flowers, etc.
Other:  Cardboard base and Acrylic paint.
I purchase the books from random stores.  


Monday, April 8, 2024

Power skull journal

When I first started this type of artwork, I never thought I would fall in love with skulls.  
Mediums:  Acrylic Paint, Chipboard, Hot Glue Mold shapes, Metal Die cut Fun Foam, etc.


Saturday, April 6, 2024

Charmed Journal

I love the book and the colors of the design.
I sold this book to a friend for her daughter.
Mediums:  Hot Glue in resin molds, buttons, gems, fun foam, acrylic paint, etc.
The base is made out of cardboard.  Amazing what you can do with an old box.


Small Rebel Journal